What is the difference between cholinergic and muscarinic

Action potentials arriving at the axon terminal lead to release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, separating the postganglionic neuron and effector neuro-effector junction. Finally, binding of neurotransmitter to the receptor expressed on effector cells can result in excitation or inhibition of the effector.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions differ in the types of neurotransmitters they release and the receptors and second messenger systems they express. Nicotinic receptors are located on the postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic cell bodies. Nicotinic receptors respond to the binding of acetylcholine ACH , which causes an excitatory effect. Muscarinic receptors are located on all parasympathetic effector cells and some generalized sweat glands sympathetic effector cells.

Muscarinic receptors respond to the binding of ACH, and may have an excitatory or inhibitory effect. Adrenergic receptors are located on most sympathetic effector cells. Adrenergic receptors respond to the binding of norepinephrine NE , which may have an excitatory or inhibitory effect. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that travel across the synapse connecting two neurons, or between a neuron and an effector. For example, when we discussed the neuromuscular junction we were talking about a neuron-effector synapse and the neurotransmitter used was acetylcholine ACH.

Which means that when ACh binds to it, ions flow through it. It acts as a channel for positively charged ions, mainly sodium. Which depolarizes the cell. You can find N1 Nicotinic receptors at neuromuscular junctions. In which they play an integral part in allowing your muscles to move. N2 Nicotinic receptors are in the brain and also in the Autonomic and Parasympathetic nervous systems.

Instead of becoming an ion channel for sodium, they use a G-Protein. When ACh binds to the receptor, this protein changes shape, which then allows it to phosphorylate various second messengers. The other two, M2 and M4, are inhibitory. Muscarinic receptors are associated mainly with parasympathetic functions and stimulates receptors located in peripheral tissues e. Acetylcholine activates all of these sites. Advanced biochemical techniques have now shown a more fundamental difference in the two types of cholinergic receptors.

The nicotinic receptor is a channel protein that, upon binding by acetylcholine, opens to allow diffusion of cations. The muscarinic receptor, on the other hand, is a membrane protein ; upon stimulation by neurotransmitter, it causes the opening of ion channels indirectly, through a second messenger.

For this reason, the action of a muscarinic synapse is relatively slow. Muscarinic receptors predominate at higher levels of the central nervous system, while nicotinic receptors, which are much faster acting, are more prevalent at neurons of the spinal cord and at neuromuscular junctions in skeletal muscle. A cholinergic drug is any of various drugs that inhibit, enhance, or mimic the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine within the body.

Acetylcholine stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system helps contract smooth muscles, dilate blood vessels, increase secretions, and slow the heart rate. Some cholinergic drugs, such as muscarine, pilocarpine, and arecoline, mimic the activity of acetylcholine in stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. These drugs, however, have few therapeutic uses.

Other cholinergic drugs, such as atropine and scopolamine, inhibit the action of acetylcholine and thus suppress all the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system. These drugs help dry up such bodily secretions as saliva and mucus and relax smooth-muscle walls.

They are used therapeutically to relieve spasms of the smooth-muscle walls of the intestines, to relieve bronchial spasms, to diminish salivation and bronchial secretions during anesthesia, and to dilate the pupil during ophthalmological procedures. Nicotine is an organic compound that is the principal alkaloid of tobacco.

Nicotine occurs throughout the tobacco plant and especially in the leaves. The compound constitutes about 5 percent of the plant by weight. Both the tobacco plant Nicotiana tabacum and the compound are named for Jean Nicot, a French ambassador to Portugal, who sent tobacco seeds to Paris in Crude nicotine was known by , and the compound was obtained in purified form in ; the correct molecular formula was established in , and the first laboratory synthesis was reported in Nicotine is one of the few liquid alkaloids.

Figure 7. The muscarinic G-protein receptor. Used with permission. Excessive Stimulation of muscarinic receptors due to cholinesterase inhibitor poisoning results in increased parasympathetic: Erdman Note : Reflex nausea and vomiting may occur with isolated eye exposure, even in the absence of systemic toxicity.

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Describe where muscarinic receptors are found.


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