What is the difference between mobility and motility

This tutorial is an in-depth study guide regarding male and female reproductive physiology Skip to content Main Navigation Search. Dictionary Articles Tutorials Biology Forum. Digestion and Absorption of Food The gastrointestinal system breaks down particles of ingested food into molecular forms by enzymes through digestion and then transferred to the internal environment by absorption.

Mobility For the Mobile Lives Forum, mobility is understood as the process of how individuals travel across distances in order to deploy through time and space the activities that make up their lifestyles.

En savoir plus x. Movement Movement is the crossing of space by people, objects, capital, ideas and other information. Motility En savoir plus x. Download pdf. Mobility, motility: What determines our ability to move? By Vincent Kaufmann Social Scientist. For a researcher, the concept of mobility , as it is used in everyday language and in the field of transport, suffers from three fundamental shortcomings: Shortcomings linked to everyday language 1. A strictly spatial concept The first shortcoming is that the concept is strictly spatial in its ordinary meaning.

Tangible movement The second shortcoming is that mobility, in common usage, refers to something that can be measured, meaning a journey from point A to point B and thus what is done in practice.

An objectified data The third shortcoming is that mobility, as it is typically measured and understood, is something entirely objective or objectivised, meaning we can measure it statistically in terms of traffic volume, origin, destination, speed, number of kilometres, mode of transport, motives, etc. Tackling the "mobility turn" These three shortcomings are widely recognised in the field of research. Recent pitfalls in interpreting the concept of mobility 1. Refocusing the concept of mobility The initial problem I see in some of these works is the tendency to make mobility such a broad concept that we no longer know exactly what we are talking about.

More mobility but continued inequality Another pitfall in some of the works on mobility is to see mobility as a concept that is consistent with the liquefaction of space and society, meaning that people move more, objects move more, information circulates more and, as a result, make disappear what sociologists have long called "social structures". Going faster and further does not make us more mobile The third stumbling block is the tendency to measure mobility based on how fast we move and how far we go, with the more or less implicit idea that people who move fast and travel great distances are somehow more mobile than those who move slowly and locally.

Redefining the concept of mobility To adopt a position in this field and overcome these shortcomings, we at the EPFL—in partnership with other research networks—have developed an original approach to mobility that divides the concept into two aspects: "mobility" and " motility ".

Motility: the ability to move What is motility? Social conditions of access We all have varying degrees of access to transport and communication networks, but that is just one factor. Skills Motility also involves skills, it is the way we organise ourselves.

Plans Third, motility also relates to what we want to do. Considering mobility prior to travelling Through this approach, we are able to overcome the initial shortcomings to consider mobility as seen by the individual. Mobility involves social change We can also easily distinguish between the spatial and social aspects of mobility.

If we acknowledge that "people who travel further and faster are not necessarily more mobile than others, and are sometimes less so", then we can clearly revisit the issue in a new light Mobility For the Mobile Lives Forum, mobility is understood as the process of how individuals travel across distances in order to deploy through time and space the activities that make up their lifestyles.

Vincent Kaufmann Social Scientist Vincent Kaufmann, a Swiss sociologist, is one of the pioneers of mobility and inventor of the concept of motility. From same author - See all publications Understanding the real reasons why people choose a particular type of transport Video by Vincent Kaufmann.

Professional footballers, a mobility of choice? Chronicle with Vincent Kaufmann. Engineering by Seduction Video by Vincent Kaufmann. To quote this publication: Vincent Kaufmann , 7th of June , « Mobility, motility: What determines our ability to move? Other publications One Finnish town's experience of carbon rationing. Could it work elsewhere? Is rationing carbon for travel a fair, efficient and realistic solution? How do environmentalists negotiate their aeromobility practices?

Who are we? Subscribe to the newsletter! Please answer the question. Plants are multicellular eukaryotes. Their cells contain a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, including the chloroplasts, where photosynthesis takes place.

Plant cells have cell walls made of cellulose, a carbohydrate. Plants are not motile. The ability of an organism to move by itself is called motility.

Procaryotes move by means of propeller-like flagella unique to bacteria or by special fibrils that produce a gliding form of motility. Almost all spiral bacteria and about half of the bacilli are motile , whereas essentially none of the cocci are motile. Specific examples of cell motility include: movement of cells from one location in an embryo to another during embryonic development. Biology Moving or having the power to move spontaneously: motile spores. Psychology Of or relating to mental imagery that arises primarily from sensations of bodily movement and position rather than from visual or auditory sensations.

Cell motility is required for many important physiological processes during cell development, such as cell migration during gastrulation, axon guidance, tissue regeneration and embryological development. Unregulated cell migration can be the cause for progression of cancer, e. In biology, motility is the ability of organisms and fluid to move or get around.

A microbiologist might test and compare the motility of various single-celled organisms. An easy way to remember that motility means the ability to move without help is the mot- at the root of the word. Sperm motility can be affected by a number of things. Usually, when sperm motility is poor, there are other problems found with sperm health. For example, men with poor sperm motility may also have low sperm counts or poor sperm morphology or sperm shape.

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