What is the difference between mstsc and mstsc admin

Because one of my feature is not working with mstsc. Please note I am working with windows not in XP I was mistaken in the question. Richard MacCutchan Mar am. Yes, there is a difference, see the help documentation. Posted Jan am Abhishek Pant. Add your solution here.

OK Paste as. Treat my content as plain text, not as HTML. Existing Members Sign in to your account. This email is in use. Do you need your password? Submit your solution! When answering a question please: Read the question carefully. If a member of the Administrators group starts a Remote Desktop session to a Windows Server based server that does not have the Terminal Server role service installed, the following conditions are true for the remote administration session: Time zone redirection is disabled.

Plug and Play device redirection is disabled. The remote session theme is changed to Windows Classic. Terminal Services Easy Print is disabled. The following conditions are true for the session: You do not have to have a TS CAL to remotely administer a terminal server.

Time zone redirection is disabled. Terminal Services Session Broker redirection is disabled. Community Bot 1. Caltor Caltor 2 2 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. This should be the correct answer as it actually answers the question!

I'm confused about this. Andy it's no longer since Server possible to get a Remote Desktop connection to the physical console i. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Note RDC 6. For example, to connect from a Windows Vista SP1 RC-based client to the physical console session of a Windows Server based server, you can run the command mstsc.

You type mstsc. You receive the following error message:. The property is silently ignored. In Windows Server , starting a Remote Desktop session by running mstsc. You can start the RDC 6. At any point in time, there can be two active remote administration sessions. To start a remote administration session, you must be a member of the Administrators group on the server to which you are connecting. Behavior when you connect to a server that does not have Terminal Server installed.

If you as a member of the Administrators group on the destination server start a Remote Desktop session to a Windows Server based server that does not have the Terminal Server role service installed, the following behavior is true for the remote administration session:.

When using an RD Gateway server, all Remote Desktop services on your desktop and workstations should be restricted to only allow access only from the RD Gateway. Includes DUO integration. Dedicated Gateway Service Managed. Needed for rdp access to systems that are UC P4 or higher.

A rough estimate might be that concurrent users can use one RD Gateway. The HA at the virtual layer provides enough fault-tolerant and reliable access; however a slightly more sophisticated RD gateway implementation can be done with network load balancing.

Changing the listening port will help to "hide" Remote Desktop from hackers who are scanning the network for computers listening on the default Remote Desktop port TCP This offers effective protection against the latest RDP worms such, as Morto.

Change the listening port from to something else and remember to update any firewall rules with the new port. Although this approach is helpful, it is security by obscurity, which is not the most reliable security approach.

You should ensure that you are also using other methods to tighten down access as described in this article. Using other components like VNC or PCAnywhere is not recommended because they may not log in a fashion that is auditable or protected.

With RDP, logins are audited to the local security log, and often to the domain controller auditing system. When monitoring local security logs, look for anomalies in RDP sessions such as login attempts from the local Administrator account.

Whenever possible, use GPOs or other Windows configuration management tools to ensure a consistent and secure RDP configuration across all your servers and desktops. By enforcing the use of an RDP gateway, you also get a third level of auditing that is easier to read than combing through the domain controller logins and is separate from the target machine so it is not subject to tampering.

This type of log can make it much easier to monitor how and when RDP is being used across all the devices in your environment. You can authorize the RD Gateway by adding the following subnet to your firewall rule:.


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